Ethnic Minorities

Foundation Certificate in Vocational Putonghua I for Non-Chinese Speakers (Part-time)


To be confirmed

Courses for Ethnic Minorities

Available Centre
Choi Wan (2) Estate / Jordan
Course Mode
3 hours per session & 10 sessions / Total 30 hours

1. Understand the basic Putonghua sound system
2. Communication in simple Putonghua in daily life, including self-introduction, greeting and short conversation
3. Telling time, numbers, weather, temperature and seasons, places, public transport and making invitations

30 hours

- Interested in learning oral Putonghua for communication
- possess basic English literacy skills

- Course fee: $3,250 (Monthly income of $22,001 or above)
- Course fee: $975 (Monthly income between $14,001 and $22,000)
- Course fee: Waived (Unemployed/monthly income of $14,000 or below)

- Accredited Certificate by the ERB

2716 8712 (Choi Wan)