Notice: Adverse Weather Arrangement


Special circumstances / Adverse Weather Arrangement

1. In Times of Typhoon Signal No. 8 or above or Black Rainstorm Warning or the Government makes an‘Extreme Conditions’ announcement

When Typhoon Signal No. 8 or above or Black Rainstorm Warning is in force, trainees should follow the arrangements listed below:

(Typhoon Signal No.1 or 3 or Amber / Red Rainstorm Warning: All lessons will be conducted as usual and no make-up lesson will be arranged.)

A. For classes and examinations that have not yet started, classes and examinations will be cancelled, if
a) Hong Kong Observatory announces that Typhoon Signal No. 8 or above is likely to be issued within two hours at or after the following times; or
b) Typhoon Signal No. 8 or above / Black Rainstorm Warning /‘Extreme Conditions’ is in force at or after the following times.

Signal is / will be in force at or after the following times Sessions cancelled
(There are 2 sessions for Full-time course: Morning & Afternoon session)
2 hours before the Morning Session commencement time Classes / examinations scheduled in the Morning Sessionswill be cancelled
2 hours before the Afternoon Session commencement time Classes / examinations scheduled in the Afternoon Sessionswill be cancelled
5:00 pm Classes / examinations scheduled in the Evening Sessionswill be cancelled

B.    For classes and examinations that have already started:
Signals Classes Examinations
When the Hong Kong Observatory announces that Typhoon Signal No. 8 or above is likely to be issued within two hours Immediately cancelled Continue until the end of that examination session unless the examination venue is found to be of potential risk to candidates
When the Hong Kong Observatory announces that Typhoon Signal No. 8 or above is issued Immediately cancelled Continue until the end of that examination session unless the examination venue is found to be of potential risk to candidates
When Black Rainstorm Warning /‘Extreme Conditions’ is in force Continue Continue until the end of that examination session unless the examination venue is found to be of potential risk to candidates

2. Arrangement on Resumption of Classes / Examinations
If the Typhoon Signal No. 8 or above / Black Rainstorm Warning Warning /‘Extreme Conditions’ is cancelled 2 hours before the class commencement time of the session, the session will be conducted as usual and no make-up lesson will be arranged. Note that there are two sessions for Full-time course (i.e. one session in the morning & one session in the afternoon.)

3. Arrangement on Cancellation of Classes / Examinations
If classes / examinations are cancelled due to typhoon or rainstorm or‘extreme conditions’, Christian Action will inform the trainees about the make-up lessons / examinations arrangement as soon as possible. Please pay attention to the announcement in due course.

4. Make-up lesson arrangement
If the class is cancelled due to typhoon or rainstorm or‘extreme conditions’, Christian Action will inform the trainees of the date and arrangement of the make-up lesson as soon as possible. The attendance of the make-up lesson would also be counted and trainees cannot dispute about the make-up lesson arrangement.

5. Special circumstances
Christian Action would make appropriate classes / examinations arrangement in accordance with the actual situation. All arrangements are subject to final decision of Christian Action.
Should you have any questions, please contact Course Administration Department at 2716 8812.

Updated on 7 May 2024
